On Thursday, October 31st, Halloween, I was
called by someone, who knew I, and my wife Darline, had been active in sign
waving and walking door to door, here in Kekaha, trying to alert our neighbors
to the horrors that could come from the passage of SB1/HB1, the Same Sex
Marriage Bill. I was asked if I would go to Honolulu on Monday, November 4th,
(taking the first flight out of Lihue), and deliver a photo and letter to our
House District 16 State Representative Dee Morikawa, at the State Legislature
meeting in Honolulu. Mrs. Morikawa is a noted supporter of Governor
Abercrombies' Same Sex Marriage Bill here on Kauai. The picture I was to
deliver, would be taken on the day before I left, 2 PM at Hanapepe Ball Park.
This photo would be of as many "NO on Same Sex Marriage" people as we
could find. The idea was to let Dee Morikawa know that her constituents are
very concerned about her position, (she's been all for Same Sex Marriage right
from the beginning), and the horrible, negative effects of SB1/HB1 that we
foresee in our churches, schools and with our children, and to try and present
our position to her, in a manner that would edify our foresight and concerns
without shutting her down to our positions on the subject.
I have had prior political experience in the past, but had
recently resigned my position with the Hawaii Republican Party as their Kauai
House District 16 Chair. My resignation was directly related to the fact that
the HRP had refused to come to the aid of Hawaii’s churches, parents and children
and stand with them in this fight against “Gay Marriage”. In fact, the HRP
State Chair, David Chang, and his wife, Representative Beth Fukumoto were
spending their time, in the weeks before the State House vote, talking publicly
about how those who were against SB1/HB1 were “mean spirited” and were “hate
mongering”. A new conservative Republican group, HIRA, Hawaii Republican
Assembly, was from the beginning, working hard with Hawaii’s churches; fighting
what we saw as the horrors coming our way from the rush to SSM. I was not yet a member of them but my wife and
I were also working with Kauai’s churches trying to warn our neighbors against
the horrors seen elsewhere, in countries like Canada and other states that have
gone down this road before Hawaii. Because we were willing to stand up and
point out the dangers; to our religious freedoms, both institutional and
individual; the almost inevitable sexualization of our children, through court
ordered changes to school curriculums, promoting homosexual relationships to
children, often in grades 1 through 7; as well as the huge increase in
homosexual experimentation seen in young children in other states. Because we
were standing at the watchtowers raising alarms, we were now the enemy of
decency and civility and had to be fought instead of the vile political forces that
manipulate and deceive the people of Hawaii for temporary, short-sighted political
gains of dubious value and for money. Time honored principles were to be
sacrificed on the altar of political correctness. So be it. As a Christian,
this would not be the first time I was vilified for taking a principled stand,
nor will it be my last. However, I am now free of the constraints that colored
my writing in the past.
Well, I discussed this travel mission and prayed with my
wife about it, and she agreed I should go. I would be going with someone from
the North/East Shore of Kauai who would deliver a simmilar picture to be taken
at Lydgate Park at the same time to Representative Derek Kawakami of HD 14.
Derek was also stating his support for SB1, and perhaps, both he and Dee
Morikawa could see for themselves that others were taking principled stands
that could encourage them to change their minds. Personally, I am honored to
have been asked to represent my westside neighbors in Honolulu for such an
important issue. As a permanently disabled man, being able to contribute to
such a worthy cause and serve is an honor and privilege.
So, Monday, November 4th arrives, and I find myself at 6 AM
in Lihue, waiting at the airport for the first Hawaiian Airlines flight out, HA
110. Dave Hamman, the owner of Integrity Key, Lock and Safe, was the North/East
Shore deliveryman and soon arrived for our 6:28 am flight out. On Sunday, we
proudly had about 80 people show up in the blazing afternoon sun of Hanapepe.
Various religious leaders and representaives of at least six westside churches,
as well as others not of a particular religious persuasion had their picture
taken in Hanapepe. David told me that about 300 people had showed up for the
Lydgate Park photo! All in all the numbers were really good in both locations considering
we only had a few short days to make phone calls, send e-mails and text
messages. This was not something that could be announced in newspapers because
pro- gay marriage types have proven themselves to sometimes be mean spirited,
disruptive and hateful to those of us who only wish to convey our displeasure
at their forcing others to accept their choices, not at homosexual individuals
themselves. No one wanted a scene when all we wanted was a polite photo to
express our hopes, and fears.
David was fortunate. While walking the hall at Lihue Airport
he ran into his assignment, Representative Derek Kawakami, who was also on our
flight. Dave was able to give him the photo and a letter then and there, as
Derek explained he would not be available at his office in the Legislature due
to a regular session and the Finance Committee hearing going on its third day.
I was not quite that lucky. While I had spoken with Mrs. Morikawa a month ago
by phone, I really had no idea what her schedule was like nor what my reception
would be when I would arrive at her office.
Arriving in Honolulu, Dave and I were blessed by the
prearranged ride to the capitol building. We met Mrs. Adele Stevenson, a great
Christian woman who was born and raised on Kauai at Koloa Landing. She was
warm, engaing and a shear delight to talk to. She explianed that she felt her
mission was in giving off-islanders rides to church functions, etc. She was
fantastic as she graciously drove through the morning rush hour traffic of
Honolulu and had me there by 7:15 AM. Dave was dropped off first at Advantage
Car Rental as he had other business to attend to in addition to visiting our State
After thanking Adele and making arrangements with her for my
return to the airport later that afternoon, I was soon walking into a nearly
empty "Big Square Building".
I was surprised by the number of police and security. I
spoke for five minutes to a State Sherrif deputy who told me that there was
more than a little fear of people getting out of hand and causing violence as
there had been a few incidents in the previous days of testimony. He went on to
tell me that since there would be a regular session at 10 AM for the State
House, and testimony from the public would resume at 11 AM, many members would
be in their offices early and was very helpful and encouraging to me.
I took Core 1's public elevator up to the third floor, alone
and wondering what I would find in room 310, Dee Morikawa's office.
Nothing but locked doors and empty hallways greated me as I
wandered the hallways of the third floor alone, in search of Room 310. I
finally found the office but was disapointed that, of course, it was locked,
and no one was around. Undaunted, I completed my circle of the hallways, and
sat down to sign and compose personal notes on the pre-printed letters I had
brought for each State House member. Late the night before, I ran off 50 copies of a letter that was forwarded to
me. I modified it in small ways but it essentially saved me quite a bit of
work. All I would have to do is write the Representatives name and room number
on the letter then add a personal note and signature as I walked from office to
office at the Legislature and talked with as many as I could about our westside
Kauai view of SB1/HB1. Personally, there was no way I was going to fly all the
way to Honolulu, and not try and contact as many other House members as I
possibly could, after delivering the photo and letter to Mrs. Morikawa.
At about 7:30 AM, as I was plowing through my copies, seated
on a koa bench near the elevator bank at Core 1, I saw a younger man get off. I
rose and followed him from behind a few feet. He stopped in front of Dee
Morikawa's office and drew a key out to open the door. He was suspicious of me
from the start. I could tell from his demeanor. I quickly engaged him in
conversation and found out that his name
was Mark, and he was Dee's office manager. After hearing my story of why I
wanted to see her, he took my name and cell phone number down and said he would
call if Mrs. Morikawa was able to meet with me later in the morning when she
came in before regular session. Mark was obviously not an anti - SB1/HB1
person. I could tell from his demeanor when I mentioned why I was there.
However, any constituent of Dee's was important to him. So, out I went, back to
the central atrium where I stood at the wide railing, resuming my writing.
Already the ground floor was filling up with church groups and others, ready
for a new day of tesimony on SB1.
At 8:18 AM I received a call on my cell phone. It was Mark.
He told me that Dee Morikawa was now in her office and she had agreed to see me
for a few minutes if I could come right now. I stood, got my bearings, and
found her office again in 5 minutes.
Immediatly upon my arrival I was told to go in. I sat
accross from Mrs. Morikawa at her desk and we proceeded to have a wide ranging
conversation, not only about SB1/HB1, but also about Kauai's public hospitals
and trading observations about Kauai's people, religion, and our respective
backgrounds. While I already knew that Mrs. Morikawa was a supporter of SB1,
(she had made that quite clear in my previous converstion with her by phone), I
had no idea if our month of praying for her as well as the week old special
session had moved her in any way.
Mrs. Morikawa was gracious but firm in her decision to
support Same Sex Marriage in Hawaii. Dee
explained that she was of the opinion that if the Hawaii State
Legislature did not act to pass this legislation, we would soon find ourselves
faced with law suits that would overturn Hawaii's civil union laws in the
courts. She was enamored by that old lawyer bugaboo running rampant in the Legislature,
that failure to act would result in catastophe for Hawaii's people. I spoke to
her in many ways about our true fear that while this law would not only cause
churches clear harm to their ability to refuse SSM's out of biblical religious
convictions, but that other states and countries have seen great pain and
suffering in the following madates to change school curiculums to include
homosexual instruction; and how children themselves would ultimately bear the
future costs of this poorly worded and unnecessary bill, through the erosion of
parental rights and the increasing sexualization of kids. To my surprise, Dee
Morikawa actually said she now agreed. She waived a majority research office
report in front of me and stated that there were actual and real dangers to
schools, families and children seen in other states and countries like Canada,
particularly Connecticut, and their experience with legalizing Same Sex
Marriage. No longer was Representative Morikawa stating that any problems with
SB1 would have to await future Legislative corrective measures. Now Dee was
stating that because of these now "real" dangers, she was open to
amending SB1 prior to final passage. While not a complete change of heart on
her part, it was a startling admission considering her previous public position
on SB1 wherein the homosexual "civil rights" trumped all. In the end
it was an empty promise on her part. When the testimony was over and amendments
offered, Dee Morikawa voted against all amendments that offered meaningful
guarantees of individual and organized religious freedoms. She also voted
against giving parents more control over what their children could be taught in
public schools. Mrs. Morikawa can say she actually support an amendment as she
ended up only supporting HB1, the House version that only very slightly changed
the already passed Senate version of SB1. She knew that by spiltting hairs with
me she could send me on my way thinking she may have changed her mind when she
hadn’t. She lied and she knows it. It shows how life-long politicians will
split hairs to try and show themselves as truthful people.
I asked Dee why, considering that as a young man during the
Vietnam War, I, and others were told to have compassion towards draft dodgers
and "conscientious objectors". We were told to be tolerant of their
conscience. Why now, when a businessman or woman, out of their own clearly and
deeply held religious beliefs could not refuse to photograph, bake a cake, or
aid in any way an objectionable homosexual marriage in their eyes, and not be
persecuted for that? Could there not be any tolerance for our
"individual" religious freedoms and right of conscientious objection
in aiding homosexuality? Dee Morikawa said absolutely not. Because of Hawaii's
"Public Accomodation Law", any attempt for an individual business
owner or employee to assert an objection to aiding homosexual
"marriage" in any way, is now considered an unacceptable form of
discrimination. I told her that I found such a situation not only personally
intollerable and unacceptable, but unconstitutional, as our constitution rated
religious freedoms so highly that they were guaranteed in the first amendment.
Why homosexuality is now being promulgated as being higher in importance than
religious freedom is beyond both my comprehesion and ability to understand.
Mrs. Morikawa then went on to say that refusal to serve someone without giving
a reason is OK. Just don't say that you object on personal religious grounds to
serving “gays”. I found that statement to be quite incomprehensible. I guess
it's now ok to lie; to not telling someone the truth, rather than just being
honest and straightforward with one's beliefs. What a sad state for our
personal freedoms that we now find ourselves in. In the end, Mrs. Morikawa stated
that while she knew this issue was contentious and she knows her constituents
don't agree with her in the majority, however, she said she could live with that.
She felt that there was no way everyone was going to agree with her all the
time on every issue. I got the impression that despite the majority feeling
overwhelmingly against SB1, she was "going to be taken care of"
because of her vote on this issue. Time will tell. She also reiterated her
civil service background, and the fact that she had been "brought up"
a Christian. Dee is one who is enamored with the nuances of minute points of
law. She appears to have "outgrown" Christ and Christianity. Like a
pharisee, saducee or classical Greek, she will endlessly debate the finer
points of law, never allowing any real personal beliefs to get in the way. In
essence, she is the perfect bureacratic tyrant, a poster person for our current
generation of leaders; one who would walk America and Hawaii straight into an Orwellian world where up is
down, right is wrong and lies are now truths.
In the end, I thanked her for her time, her willingness to
meet with me on such short notice and asked that she carefully consider what
could happen to Kauai’s keiki because of this ill-considered legislation. We
basically agreed to disagree.
So, I left her office thinking that perhaps there was some
hope that an amended version of the bill had a chance. Not the preferred
outcome, but better than what SB1 & HB1 were.
I continued my visits to State House members’ offices on their
two floors. Nearly all office managers were friendly and open to taking my
letter and listening to my short presentation speech. I was going from office
to office, handing out the letter that had a hand written request to reconsider
SSM. I would tell each of them that I was in Honolulu representing Westside Kauai
residents, at their behest, and asking each office manager or House Rep. to
please consider what we believe was the inevitable negatives that would affect
our churches, school curriculums and our keiki.
A most notable moment came when I entered Representative Calvin
Say’s office, Room 433. I could clearly see him in his open office reading and
alone. His office manager refused to allow me to enter and speak to him
personally. I thanked her anyway and gave her the same letter and Kauai speech
I gave all others. I could see Mr. Say looking at me and listening. I thanked
them both for their service and left. While standing outside his office, Mr.
Say came out and pointedly thanked me for coming to the State House and asked
me not to be disappointed at the outcome. He felt it was important we on
Kauai’s westside remain engaged for the future.
There were however two very negative reactions, both
personal and to my letter. One was an office manager for a Representative I
can’t remember. He was openly hostile, demanding to know why I was not
“satisfied” with the “amended House Version (HB1), and asking me pointedly if I
was a bigot and homophobe. All’s I could do was calmly give him the same speech
I gave all the others. I was calm and only asked that he consider the opinions
of others. As far as the homophobe comment, I merely told him that no Christian
church was intolerant of any one person’s sexuality and that perhaps he should
attend a Bible believing church and see for himself what true love is all
about, and how homosexuals are regularly welcomed. He was beside himself with
anger. He grabbed the letter from me and mumbled something about passing it
along to the Representative when he had time. Considering how he crumpled the
paper, I doubt that it was given to anyone but the waste basket.
I did a fair amount of praying while sitting and writing or
just walking. I was getting a very evil vibe as I was passing certain groups.
Some would smile, but in the main, proponents of SSM were dour, unsmiling and
decidedly unfriendly. They acted like children who were suddenly thrust into a
position of real power; determined to avenge all perceived slights, both real
and imagined, while never understanding that leadership requires equal measures
of compassion, understanding and wisdom. Hatred was clearly in the air and NOT
from any Christian I met.
I believe that God chose me to be at the State Legislature
on Monday, November 4th for one reason. I witnessed and unbelievable
scene of gross hatred and incivility towards all Christians in the office of
one Representative Chris Lee, Room 436.
When I went, I had no real idea who was for Same Sex
Marriage and who really was against. I only knew the positions of Kauai’s
elected officials. As it turns out, it was Representative Chris Lee who had
made questionable but explicit accusations that Christians had threatened his
life. That was why there were so many State Police Officers that morning. I had
no idea.
I entered Room 436 expecting to hand over my letter to an
office manager and give my usual speech. What happened next was just plain
providence, a situation where God puts you in a place solely to witness the actions
of your enemy, in this case, radical mainland homosexuals.
I entered the office, and two men were there in view. One, a
legislative staffer of some kind who I had seen walking the halls stated that
the “office manager was out” and I’d have to wait. The other was a fairly young
man in a “blue equality=marriage” t-shirt, sitting on a sofa with a dour
expression. He was carrying various recording equipment and appeared to be a reporter’s
I thanked the staffer and said I’d wait as my visit required
me to speak at least to the office manager. I stood looking at the art work
when I noticed that there was a meeting going on behind the soji screens at the
back of the room. I looked up and there was a senior State Legislative Majority
Office Research staffer sitting and starting a briefing for what he called “you
leading mainland lesbian and gay media members”. I could not see who else was
behind the screens but I assume Representative Chris Lee and gay media types
were now discussing the raging testimony ongoing in the assembly room in the
It was clear by the face of the other staffer that I was not
supposed to hear what they were saying. He and the young man on the sofa, were
very uncomfortable as the meeting progressed and the discussion took an
immediate turn into the realm of pornographic hatred towards Christianity. First
the young man got up and left without a word looking embarrassed and then the
other staffer stood, told me he was going to find the office manager for me and
he left looking embarrassed as well. I thanked him and he was gone for 10
minutes as I was listening to the vilest interpretation of opposition to Same
Sex Marriage I could have ever imagined.
It began with those mainland types stating “how everyone
knows the Hawaiian Kings were all into gay sex”. Someone said, well, we all
know the ali’i kings had their “little boys”, and that homosexuality was a
“natural part” of Hawaii’s people. Someone asked what ali’i meant. He was told
that ali’i refers to the Hawaiian Monarchy. Then the mainlander stated that he
“could not believe how uninformed the testifiers were”. How “we all know all
about how loving and committed gay relationships really were”, and that no
matter what, “each testifier against SSM had to mention their F*&^ing
religion. (Please excuse the implied crudity, but in the interest of accuracy I
must be specific). Then, the voice who I assume was Representative Chris Lee
hurriedly added “yeah, their always bringing their Fu*^ing god into their
speech, it never fails”. “That’s all they know how to talk about, their Fu*^ing
god and Sh^*y religion.” “They can’t say anything without bringing up that
Sh*t”. It degenerated into disgusting discussions punctuated with anatomical
references to what we Christians could do with our god… BIG, BIG SIGH!
By this time I had heard well neigh enough. I, being a
former Teamster, now evangelical Christian, a man who knows full well how to
swear with the best of them, was a witness to the most profane estimations of
what Christianity was all about. I was aghast and sickened at how they
portrayed us as evil purveyors of a sick god in terms that would repulse any
decent man in public. But, that was the point. They thought they were not in
public, but thought they were safe from the ears of any responsible person with
a love of God in his heart. God, however, had other plans. I heard it. I will
testify to what I heard and I will tell this story to enlighten others as to what
the gay lobbies’ real motivation is; to destroy any hint of true, Biblical Christianity
in our culture.
Alone, they speak
horrible, vulgar insults about those who disagree with them. They, in short,
exemplify my experience while at the State House that day. Christians and other
opponents of Same Sex Marriage were, for the most part, very open, happy and
positive people despite what we knew we were fighting. The Gay lobby, in almost
every case was dour, mean, and insistent that no one else could be right;
downright rough, gruff, crude and hate filled. They were negative in almost every
way and not happy people.
Finally, after almost 15 minutes of listening to this
unwanted and vile press briefing, the lady Office Manager of Representative Chris
Lee returned. She apologized for being away and I proceeded to give the same
letter and upbeat speech I had given at every other office. I smiled, handed
her the letter, which she sheepishly took, and I left thanking her, and the
Representative for their service to Hawaii’s people. Believe me when I tell you
that it almost stuck in my throat! But as a Christian, I was not going to give
them the satisfaction of making me lose my witness. She was speechless as the
swearing and cursing continued to emanate from behind Mr. Lees’ soji screens,
as I left.
The rest of the afternoon was spent in a blur of visits to
every open office I could find. I found Dave Hamman walking the halls at
various times. At about 1 PM we took a break and headed down to the assembly
room in the basement of the Capitol Building where the public testimony was
taking place. I spoke again with Representative Markus Oshiro. He was very
surprised that Dee Morikawa would tell me she was now open to amending the
bill. He believed from the outset that it was just a ploy to “placate me” and
“tell me what I wanted to hear” from her. He was absolutely right in the end.
At one point, David and I went down to the ground floor
where the various protesters were located. Churches were out in droves. At a
point when I was personally flagging, a girl from one of the churches came up
to me and offered me a doughnut. I gratefully accepted as it revived me for yet
another hour of walking the office circuit. I thanked her profusely and she
only said that her church was there to support everyone coming to testify
against Same Sex Marriage.
A little while later, David ran into ex Hawaii Supreme Court
Justice, Steven Levinson. Dave had told me how Justice Levinson is notable for
testifying for Same Sex Marriage at the State House. He was asked if he was
“knowledgeable about the Bible”. In his testimony he said “yes he was” and
proceeded to state that he could “find no Biblical basis for marriage being
exclusively between a man and a woman”. David discussed the many Biblical passages
that support our position with Justice Levinson to no real avail. I refused to
talk with him and just politely stayed on the side. I was convinced that
Justice Levinson was nothing more than a secular Jew, a modern day Pharisee who
was absolutely convinced of his own superiority and that any attempt at arguing
with him was worse than useless. It would be counterproductive as casting
pearls before swine. He finally took David’s proffered paper and looking again
at me a final time, waiting to see if I would join in trying to change his
mind, I deferred, smiled at him and we left. I long ago gave up on trying talking
sense into lawyers’ hard heads. They know the law. I only profess to know
something of Jesus’ heart. The two are quite incompatible for the most part.
Interestingly my favorite moment at the legislature came
early, when I was at the atrium railing writing another batch of personal comments,
signatures and thank-you’s. I clearly remember standing there while a small
group of Christians began playing a guitar and singing Christian songs. I
remember writing and singing along with them from the third floor, Dee’s floor.
It was actually quite nice and soothing to hear worship music in such a place.
I don’t know who they were but I’m thankful for their few moments of grace and
simple worship. It was actually awesome.
I also remember clearly how Senator Ron Kouchi waved from
the second floor and thanked me for the picture and letter of support I had
shoved under his locked door a couple of hours earlier. It was nice of him to
acknowledge me and our endeavors. I doubt many other Senators would have done
that publicly.
Soon thereafter my cell phone rang. It was Representative Jimmy
Tokioka calling to thank me for the Hanapepe photo and letter of thanks and
support I had left with his office manager. He spoke with me for five minutes
before they were due in regular session at 10 AM. I again thanked him for
standing with the majority of Kauai’s people on this matter and we talked
briefly about his now fast growing kids. When we first met they were children
going to grammar school. Now they were High Schoolers getting ready for
college. Time flies for us all. He also said that it was out of character for
Dee Morikawa to agree to amendments on HB1. He also insinuated that it was not
likely to be carried out.
At 2:30 PM, I was walked out. I had delivered a letter and
short speech to all 54 State House members except for three Reps with locked
offices tight fitting doors, and Beth Fukumoto. Beth is a Republican who made
it quite clear that anyone warning others about the dangers seen elsewhere from
the passage of SSM bills was engaging in “fear mongering” and “hate speech”. I
have nothing in common with that sort of “trying to have it both ways”
politics. Yes she voted against the bill, but she spent more time complaining
about others who also were against SB1/HB1 than actually fighting her liberal
Democrat colleagues. That type of “bipartisanship” is not what I believe
I went down to the ground floor and sat around one of the
concrete planters in the atrium. There looking out towards the street sign
wavers I was struck by a great incongruity. There was a large statue out in
front of the Capitol Building, a statue honoring the famous Catholic, Father
Damian. And just beyond his statue, holding the prime spot in front of the
building were a small group of gay sign wavers with a huge rainbow banner. I
was struck at just how far we have fallen in cultural terms since Father Damian
worked so hard to help Molokai’s lepers. Today his blocky statue was ignored
and his Christianity was being reviled. I had become very tired.
Soon enough Adel called my cell phone and arranged to pick
me up behind the gay sign wavers, at the Capitol drop off. Adel was an
unbelievable angel. She offered to take me somewhere to buy something to eat
and I declined stating that I was sure dinner was waiting on Kauai. She
proceeded to give me a bottle of water and an apple to hold me over. What a
gracious woman.
I was soon winging it back to Kauai, home at last.
Overall, I really enjoyed my time at the Big Square Building
that day. Today, Wednesday, November 13, 2013, the ordeal is over. We lost. The
powers that be have trampled all over the opinions of the vast majority of
Hawaii’s people. Just a few hours ago Governor Abercrombie signed the Same Sex
Marriage bill into law. Gays were beside themselves with praise and thoughts of
joy. My real question for them is: Our time on earth is short. Do you really
think that when you stand at the pearly gates one day, proudly waiving a piece
of paper proclaiming your right to gay marriage, that Jesus is just going to
say “it’s all right. The Hawaii State Legislature said it was OK, so just come
on in”? Somehow I doubt that’s what Jesus will say to them and that’s the
problem we as Christians now face. We know in our hearts that this bill was not
only ill-conceived, but reckless and a lie. We know our parents, our schools
and our children will soon find nothing but suffering and hurt from the
inevitable overreaching court decisions sure to come Hawaii’s way in the near
future. I weep that I was not eloquent enough with the powers that be when I
had a chance to confront them. I weep for those homosexuals who will die never
knowing how badly fooled they’ve been by their gay media “friends”. I cry for
the keiki who will experiment with homosexuality at ever younger ages, bringing
disease and possible early death into their young lives. The death of childhoods
ruined and never fully developed.
What now my fellow Christian brothers and sisters. Do we
give up, clam up, and go back to worship as usual. Or, do we celebrate our
newly discovered ties that go beyond denomination and political party. Do we
now swear by God, to come together as Godly Christians and continue to fight to
change the inevitable horrors coming our way, because this law was passed? I
sure hope the later is true and not the former. For only by recognizing now,
that we have much work left to do together, so that one day, Hawaii may truly
be Gods first state, dedicated to His glory, not our own wretchedness. I invite
you all to join with me in that fight; the fight to change the hearts and minds
of our leaders through educating every member of each of our communities on
exactly what we are fighting and why our enemies have earned our righteous
condemnation. We must be willing to lead our churches, families and communities
through the coming harsh realities resulting from the passage of this bill,
with truth, compassion, sincere adherence to Biblical Christian principles and
hard work. Perhaps, with God’s grace we may be victorious yet, in the end. One
thing is very clear. Going on in our separate ways as we have in the past, we
will accomplish nothing but ensuring our own irrelevance and ultimate failure in
the future.
Yours In Christ,
Alfred P. Sarmento
P.O. Box 238, Kekaha, HI 96752-0238 808-652-0680 alfred_sarmento@hotmail.com
Yours In Christ,
Alfred P. Sarmento
P.O. Box 238, Kekaha, HI 96752-0238 808-652-0680 alfred_sarmento@hotmail.com